Five apps for budget planning


With budgeting and savings apps, you can keep control of your financial goals, even if you’re frequently on the go. We’ll introduce you to five selected, generally available apps that will help you to plan your expenses and savings. Are you a PostFinance customer? If so, you should make sure to familiarize yourself with the budgeting function in e-finance and the PostFinance App.

At a glance

  • A household budget and saving plans ensure that you keep your finances under control.
  • The easiest way to organize this is with budgeting and savings apps on your mobile phone.
  • The budgeting apps available on the market offer varying functions, user interfaces and focuses. As such, it’s advisable to try out different apps before settling on one.
  • For PostFinance customers, there is a useful budgeting function under “My analyses” in e-finance or the PostFinance App.

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Running out of money at the end of the month is a scenario we’re all familiar with. To enable you to keep your budget under control and access it at all times, budgeting apps are available. If you use one of these apps, you can enter your monthly income and fixed costs as well as all of your expenses, from chewing gum from the kiosk to holidays. This means you can see exactly how much money you have left and how you can save cash. The division of all incomings and outgoings into different categories is also useful. This gives you a clear overview of what you’ve spent your money on each month − and sometimes reveals a few surprises. We’ll introduce you to five budgeting apps.

The 1Money app enables you to document and analyse your income and expenses with ease. A wide range of expense categories (e.g. Groceries, Restaurant, Leisure, Transport and Gifts) are already preset in the app. And all categories that are missing can be added by users themselves with just a click. If you enter your ongoing expenses consistently, you’ll be rewarded with informative pie and bar charts showing what you spend your money on and how much you spend. 1Money also calculates the daily, weekly and monthly average for your spending.

The MoneyControl app also enables easy entry of income and expenses. Practical features include the ability to enter income and expenses on fixed dates (fixed entries) and attach photos of receipts. The option to select different payment methods (e.g. cash, credit card or savings account) allows you to see where your money is going and where it’s located. The diagram on the homepage shows your expenses and remaining budget for the current month. The special thing about the app is that it’s suited to families, flat-shares, associations and other groups: income, expenditure and payment accounts can be assigned to specific people or groups. Thanks to synchronization (available only in the Premium version), a joint household account book can be managed on several devices, enabling all members of the group to view the finances. 


Do you often go out in a group? With PostFinance TWINT, you can split restaurant bills and other amounts with ease.

The Money Manager app is ideal for anyone who prioritizes maximum precision when documenting their finances. You can enter the date, amount and category for each expense (the key categories are already preset; you can add all others yourself, including a label and suitable emoji). What’s more, you can add notes and a description, including a photo, to the payment method for each expense. This allows your income and expenses to be displayed in itemized form, right down to the smallest detail. You can also enter recurring expenses in Money Manager, and these can then be included in your budget planning. All statistics and income can be sorted by date.

Pennies is a classic budget planner that enables you to create and manage private budgets. In Pennies, you first enter the purpose (e.g. birthday party, holiday, e-bike), frequency (e.g. weekly, monthly, yearly, one-off) and starting date of your saving plan, as well as the amount you want to save. Once this information has been provided, you have to enter your expenses and income on an ongoing basis, and you can monitor in real time how these affect your budget. In the detailed view of the budget, you can see the remaining days and amount. Pennies not only allows you to create different budgets, but also to move amounts back and forth between budgets.

The Today’s Budget app helps users to keep their personal expenses under control and save a little bit every day. To get started, you have to enter your income (e.g. salary), your fixed costs for accommodation, insurance, electricity and subscriptions, etc., and the amount you’d like to save. The app then show you how much money you can spend every day without feeling guilty. After this, you enter all your expenses whenever necessary. If you’ve spent too much in one day, your daily amount for the following day will be reduced. If you’ve saved money, you’ll have more available the next day. You can see how much of your daily budget is still available at any time on the homepage. The “Insights” menu offers diagrams showing you where your money comes from, where it goes and/or how your income and expenses change over time.

A comparison of the five budgeting and savings apps

Managing income and expenses, creating budgets and monitoring expenses
Free basic version with paid upgrade for advanced functions
User-friendly budgeting app for everyone who wants an easy life
Money Control
Ideal for families, flat-shares, associations and other groups
Free basic version with limited number of entries; synchronization for groups available only in the paid version
Ideal for families, flat-shares, associations and other groups
Money Manager
Precise documentation of income and expenses, including budget planning
Free to use on smartphones; upgrade to paid version necessary only if you want to view or edit your finances on a PC
Budgeting app that goes into detail
Pennies – Budget and Expenses
Budget planning
Paid app
This app enables you to plan and manage different budgets
Today’s Budget 
Ideal for saving
The app is subject to charge after a test phase
The app that helps you with everyday saving

Manage your budget in e-finance or the PostFinance App

PostFinance customers have a particularly convenient option for creating and tracking expense budgets. How does it work? Use your usual login for e-finance or the PostFinance App. As a customer with e-finance, you can go to “Analyses” in the “Assets” menu; if you use the PostFinance App, tap on the “Analytics” diagram symbol to the right of your name. Now select a category (e.g. Living, Shopping, Finances, etc.) or a tag (e.g. Holidays, Hobby, Insurance, etc.) for which you want to create a budget, and then set the budget. One particularly practical feature: you can receive notifications when you’ve exceeded 80 percent or 100 percent of your budget.

Under “Analyses”, you will also find a clear illustration of your income and expenses sorted into automatically created categories and see how these have changed over time. Everything that is credited or debited to your PostFinance accounts and cards is included. This gives you control over your personal balance sheet at all times. 

Questions and answers

  • By planning your budget, you can find out how much money you have left at the end of the month, once all your expenses have been deducted from your incomings. This means you can obtain an overview of your finances and find out where you are spending money and where you could perhaps save a bit more money. In our blog post “Budgeting made easy: five tips on budget planning”, we show you the best way to achieve this.

  • Our household budget calculator gives you an uncomplicated and comprehensive overview of your finances online.

    Go to the “Create budget” tool

  • We’ve put together some information, resources and tips on how you can save money. Our detailed guide will help you to manage your money more carefully.

    Go to our comprehensive savings guide


The budgeting apps presented in this article are offered by third-party providers. Your data may be analysed and used for targeted advertising. Please consult the privacy policies for the relevant providers. 

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