The easy way to get an extract from the land registry


If you want to buy or sell a house in Switzerland, you need an extract from the land registry. This is required for the notarization of the sale and also provides lenders with information about the rights and obligations associated with the property. PostFinance can obtain this document for you in most cantons. Find out here what you can do yourself.

What is the land registry and what does it contain?

The land registry is a cantonal register in which all properties in Switzerland are recorded. The registry is public and contains important information such as the exact name of a property, a description of the property with details of the area and the names of the current and any previous owners. Easements and encumbrances are also registered, such as rights of residence, building regulations or rights of way (footpaths and driveways). An extract from the land registry also includes the cadastral and insurance value, as well as information on preemptive rights, seizures or rights of lien.

When is an extract required and who can order it?

If you are selling a house, you should include the land registry extract in the sales documents. This is because the document contains important information for potential buyers and lenders. The document is therefore mandatory for financing a property. You can get it from the land registry office in the relevant canton. In Switzerland, extracts from the land registry can be inspected or ordered by any person for any property. However, some information, such as on mortgages, is not available to the public.

When do I have to order the extract myself?

As a rule, PostFinance will order the extract from the land registry for you.

In some cantons, we don’t have this option, as only the property owners can order the extract. If you have any questions, our experts will be happy to help you with this step.

Below are links to some of the relevant land registry offices. You can simply select the canton in which your property is located and follow the corresponding link.

Land registry office

Useful information

If your property has several extracts from the land registry (e.g. underground car park with separate entry in the registry), you must order all extracts.

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Questions and answers

  • The quickest way to get an extract from the land registry is to use the online order form at the relevant land registry office. However, you can also order the extract in writing. Delivery by post usually takes one to five working days. If you only want to inspect the documents, you can do so at the counter in the relevant town or municipality. In some cantons, only the owners can order an extract from the land registry. In this case, you would have to request the extract from the owner. This may be the case if you want to buy a new property and need to provide the lender with an extract from the land registry as part of the credit check.

  • Fees vary from one land registry office to another. They are usually between 20 and 30 francs, and in some cantons as much as 50 francs or more. If the extract needs to be notarized, additional fees are charged. An attestation of this kind is required for the notarization of the sale of a property.

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