Useful to know
Founders can join the employee benefits institution of their sector association, the pension plan foundation BVG or – if they employ staff – their pension fund.
Protection against the financial consequences of the actuarial risks of illness, accident, disability, age and death comply with the individual needs and circumstances of the person concerned. In the event of a loss of professional income, the financial needs must be clarified precisely and adjusted to the personal circumstances. If the employer is unable to work, for example due to illness or an accident, the accident or daily allowance insurance benefits must cover the normal cost of living and the fixed costs of the company.
The benefits are always based on the last taxed salary. Salaries insured to too high a level should be avoided due to the higher premiums. If a degree of disability is subsequently established due to an accident or illness, the disability insurance benefits (IV, 1st pillar) and a voluntary income insurance must cover the cost of living of the employer and his family. In most cases, the company is discontinued or sold.
Important: As mentioned, the founders and owners of a limited liability company or private limited company are deemed to be employees of the company. They must therefore be insured in the same way as other employees. If the business is discontinued or if there is insufficient work, they cannot claim daily benefits from the unemployment insurance.