Switching your mortgage

Switch your mortgage to PostFinance

Is your mortgage coming to an end and are you thinking about switching providers? Take the opportunity to benefit from our attractive interest rates. With PostFinance, you can secure your interest rate up to 18 months in advance.

Switching mortgages: why it’s worth your while switching to PostFinance

    • Attractive interest rates for the term of your choice
    • Secure interest up to 18 months in advance
    • Fixed-rate mortgages with terms of 2 to 15 years
    • Saron mortgage with a term of 3 years; switch to a fixed-rate mortgage possible at the end of each quarter
    • Professional advice free of charge from our specialists

How to switch your mortgage to PostFinance

Get an overview of the usual steps in the process of extending your mortgage. Please note that your current situation and needs are unique to you and the steps may vary accordingly. We would be happy to help if you have any questions.

Consider the following questions when it comes to taking out your mortgage. You can find useful information about each individual step at the bottom of the page.

The illustration shows the order of questions for switching a mortgage. When should I switch my mortgage? Does my mortgage still suit my situation? What are the current interest rates? What financing offer will I receive? How do I switch my mortgage?

Determine the time

Check your mortgage’s notice period, mortgage rate trends and the current market situation to determine the right time to switch your mortgage.

  • Check the notice period
    Ideally, you should check your contract or your current provider’s general terms and conditions (GTC) one and a half years (but no later than 6 months) before your mortgage comes to an end.

    Mortgage rate trends
    You can get an overview of interest rate trends and developments on the mortgage and property market in our consolidated interest rate forecast.

    Go to the interest rate forecast

    Interest rate fixed up to 18 months in advance
    If interest rates are expected to rise, it may be worth your while fixing the interest rate early. With a forward mortgage from PostFinance, you can secure your interest rate up to 18 months in advance.

    More about forward mortgages 

Clarify your needs and calculate your mortgage

Think about whether you want to extend your mortgage one-to-one, increase it (for example for planned renovations) or adjust it (for example in the form of a mortgage model switch). If necessary, check the financing of your new mortgage with our mortgage calculator.

Check interest rates and mortgage models

With our attractive interest rates, you can find the right model and term for your needs.

  • At PostFinance, you will find attractive interest rates for fixed-rate mortgages with terms from two to 15 years and for the Saron mortgage with a term of three years.

    All interest rates at a glance

    Find out more about the advantages and conditions of each of our mortgage models.

    A comparison of mortgages

Create a mortgage quotation

Create a free mortgage quotation online. You will receive your personalized, non-binding financing proposal directly as a PDF file.

Switch your mortgage to PostFinance

Arrange a personal consultation to switch your mortgage to PostFinance.

  • Our specialists will work with you to examine your needs and current situation and find the right solution for you.

    During the consultation, we will make you an offer for the subsequent financing of your property. We will support you with terminating your contract, obtaining the documents required for the switch and mortgage certificate transfers. And we will also be there for you after completion.

We would be happy to advise you

Discuss your goals, financial requirements and possible conditions with our specialists. 

Frequently asked questions about switching your mortgage

  • It may be worth your while switching if another provider offers better conditions, such as lower interest rates. Switching provider also has advantages if the financing options offered by the new provider are better suited to your individual needs.

  • Some providers will allow you to cancel your mortgage before the end of the term. In this case, you can expect to pay a prepayment penalty to compensate your old provider for expenses such as the lost interest payments. Calculate whether the savings from the more favourable terms are higher than the prepayment penalty.

    Good to know: some providers charge a fee for switching even if properly cancelled at the end of the term.

  • Some lenders require you to terminate your mortgage even if it is due to expire. In some cases, lenders strictly enforce their notice periods. It is therefore advisable to find out in good time and provide written notice.

    • High-quality photos of the property
    • List of renovation work carried out
    • Tax return
    • Building insurance certificate for single-family homes
    • Floor plans with square metre information for flats

    In our checklist you will find an overview of other documents required for your mortgage application.

    The link will open in a new window Checklist for mortgage application (PDF)

  • As a rule, lenders are willing to take on just one tranche of a staggered mortgage to begin with if they can also take on the others within a relatively short period of time. That means that the closer the maturities are to each other, the better your chances. Things become difficult if the shortest and longest periods are more than 18 months apart.